Welcome to Tsunaguwa International JLS
Tsunaguwa International Japanese Language School was established in order to assist Nepalese student who desire to pursue their education from reputed and globally recognized Universities and colleges in Japan. We have been providing various services (career guidance,Japanese language classes, visa apply documentation guiding, Visa application assistance, pre departure briefing) and have also been working as a bridge between Nepalese Students and wokers and Japanese Language Schools, Colleges and business hubs. Thus, we would like to welcome you all in Tsunaguwa International Japanese Language School. We assure you a friendly environment and well service for your bright future ahead.
つなぐわ国際日本語学校は、世界的に有名な日本の大学からの教育を希望するネパール人学生を支援するために設立されました。 さまざまなサービス(キャリアガイダンス、日本語クラス、ビザ申請書類ガイド、ビザ申請支援、出発前ブリーフィング)を提供し、ネパールの学生と労働者と日本語学校、大学、ビジネスハブの間の架け橋としても活動しています。 そんなつなぐわ国際日本語学校に皆様をお迎えします。 私たちはあなたにフレンドリーな環境とあなたの明るい未来のための良いサービスを保証します。
We partner with the best language schools located in Japan and are confident that we can help you find the one that matches your needs the best.
We have all types of classes for Training visa purpose, student purpose, SSW visa purpose, and all for Japan. process is straight-forward and easy to understand.
Our support service that helps you to live, work and study in Japan. You pay the same exact amount to the institution with or without our help, so there is no reason not to use us!
What we do?
We give counseling services, advice and teach Japanese language to the students who would like to work as a training, and SSW visa to Japan.

Right Information to the Right Person at the Right Time is the key of every success. So, we deliver you the service that effects your Future Career. We provide the best counseling to you on the basis of your desire, we teach you, we guide you and we grow up together with you. our expert teacher teach you about Japanese culture, Japanese society, Japanese manner, and all lifestyle of Japanese people to you from basic.
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Japanese language courses from beginners to Advance levels by gradually build students' skills in listening, reading, writing and speaking and helps to develop intercultural competence of the learners. We provide Japanese language class for any purpose. The target of this class is to introduce Japan and its society, culture, custom, and the trend of Japan.
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We are ready to guiding you the way of documentation. As your Consultant, We provide you the information to prepare all of the documents required to apply for your C.O.E . and guiding you through Visa processing and all the other required documents. we are very professional for visa guideline & our Staffs are helpful and co-operative for these process.
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